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Bridges: The science and art of the world's most inspiring structures
Bridges: The science and art of the world's most inspiring structures

The Brooklyn Bridge, London's Tower Bridge, Sydney's Harbour Bridge, San Francisco's Golden Gate--bridges can be breathtakingly monumental structures, magnificent works of art, and vital arteries that make life vastly easier.

In Bridges, eminent structural engineer David Blockley takes readers on a

Designing with Progressive Enhancement: Building the Web that Works for Everyone
Designing with Progressive Enhancement: Building the Web that Works for Everyone

Progressive enhancement is an approach to web development that aims to deliver the best possible experience to the widest possible audience, and simplifies coding and testing as well. Whether users are viewing your sites on an iPhone, the latest and greatest high-end system, or even hearing them on a screen-reader, their experience should be...

Mobile 3D Graphics SoC: From Algorithm to Chip
Mobile 3D Graphics SoC: From Algorithm to Chip

The first book to explain the principals behind mobile 3D hardware implementation, helping readers understand advanced algorithms, produce low-cost, low-power SoCs, or become familiar with embedded systems

As mobile broadcasting and entertainment applications evolve, there is increasing interest in 3D graphics within the...

Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink 2
Take Control of Getting Started with DEVONthink 2

With the information-management program DEVONthink 2, you no longer have to swim in a sea of Web bookmarks, email receipts, RSS feeds, Web page snippets, Post-it notes, and phone bills. DEVONthink stores your digital documents and clippings, helps you scan and store paper documents, and serves as home base for organizing and viewing all your...

Video Game Optimization
Video Game Optimization

Optimizing is a game of trade-offs.

There are many anecdotes, articles, and books about optimizing in specific scenarios. Sometimes, these include hard numbers; if so, it’s usually for hardware that is several years old. Often, the discussion is very specific, such as optimizing memory copies for a specific chip, and the...

Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles, and Techniques
Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles, and Techniques

Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles, and Techniques was written to help people succeed with digital design. It is a learning product that incorporates both video lessons and an in-depth textbook written from two perspectives—that of a student, and that of a teacher.

First I put myself in...

Game Programming Gems 8
Game Programming Gems 8

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Game Programming Gems series, started by Mark DeLoura in 2000. The first edition was inspired by Andrew Glassner‘s popular Graphics Gems series. Since then, other Gems series have started, including AI Gems and a new series focused on the capabilities of programmable graphics, the ShaderX series....

GIMP Bible
GIMP Bible

The ultimate reference and guide to the GNU image manipulation program

GIMP is a free, Photoshop-like image manipulation program, and as its use grows, so does the demand for detailed instruction on how to get the very most out of it. GIMP Bible is the most comprehensive and current independent GIMP reference...

The Best of Wedding Photojournalism: Techniques and Images for Professional Digital Photographers, 2nd Edition
The Best of Wedding Photojournalism: Techniques and Images for Professional Digital Photographers, 2nd Edition

Not that many years ago, wedding photographers were known as “weekend warriors; they were wedding photographers on wedding days and worked at other full-time jobs the rest of the week. The status of the wedding photographer— both among other photographers and the public at large—was very low. They were often...

Microelectronic Circuit Design
Microelectronic Circuit Design

Richard Jaeger and Travis Blalock present a balanced coverage of analog and digital circuits; students will develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic techniques of modern electronic circuit design, analog and digital, discrete and integrated.

A broad spectrum of topics are included in Microelectronic Circuit Design...

Essential Tools for Management Consulting: Tools, Models and Approaches for Clients and Consultants
Essential Tools for Management Consulting: Tools, Models and Approaches for Clients and Consultants

The second book in the Essential Tools For series… on the topic of Management Consulting

Based on Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn's successful The Essential Management Toolbox, this book focuses in greater depth on the topic of Management Consulting. This second book looks at how a management consultant needs...

Cloud Charts: Trading Success with the Ichimoku Technique
Cloud Charts: Trading Success with the Ichimoku Technique
This book represents a stage in a long journey to master the behaviour of financial markets. There are a lot of people who have impacted me along the way. This started out, for me, as a teenager when I was almost obsessed with probabilities and outcomes of all things financial. As a student in the early 1980s I would study the share...
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