 Nanotechnology: An Introduction (Micro and Nano Technologies)
This book provides an overview of the rapidly growing and developing field of nanotechnology, focusing on key essentials and structured around a robust anatomy of the subject. The newcomer to nanotechnology, who may well have a strong background in one of the traditional disciplines such as physics, mechanical or electrical engineering,... |  |  RF and Microwave Transmitter Design
RF and Microwave Transmitter Design is unique in its coverage of both historical transmitter design and cutting edge technologies. This text explores the results of well-known and new theoretical analyses, while informing readers of modern radio transmitters' pracitcal designs and their components. Jam-packed... |  |  Distibuted Systems: Design and Algorithms
In today’s digital environment, distributed systems are increasingly present in a wide variety of environments, ranging from public software applications to critical systems.
Distributed Systems introduces the underlying concepts, the associated design techniques and the related security issues.
Distributed Systems:... |
 Building and Testing with Gradle
This book has a very clear aim: introduce you to the incredible simplicity and power
of Gradle.
Gradle is a flexible yet model-driven JVM-based build tool. Gradle acknowledges and
improves on the very best ideas from Make, Ant, Ivy, Maven, Rake, Gant, Scons, SBT,
Leinengen, and Buildr. The best-of-breed features previously... |  |  Drupal 7 Fields/CCK Beginner's Guide
Drupal is changing the way we create a feature and content-rich website. When I created
my first web-based Content Management System (CMS) website in Drupal, I was amazed
at the power of the Drupal CMS system. It allows me to rapidly create a high quality web
application in a short period of time without sacrificing the application... |  |  My Motorola Atrix 4G
Step-by-step instructions with callouts to Motorola Atrix 4G photos so that you can see exactly what to do
Help when you run into Motorola Atrix 4G problems or limitations
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