 Mobile Device Security For Dummies
The information you need to avoid security threats on corporate mobile devices
Mobile devices have essentially replaced computers for corporate users who are on the go and there are millions of networks that have little to no security. This essential guide walks you through the steps for securing a network and building a... |  |  Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems
As more and more businesses around the world adopt enterprise systems, it
becomes increasingly important for students to develop a more process-centric
perspective that refl ects the realities of the modern business environment in
which they will work. Because business operations and enterprise systems are
so tightly... |  |  Exposure Photo Workshop
New and updated techniques for working with exposure
Exposure involves a variety of skills, but once mastered, can turn a hobbyist into a bona fide photographer. This hands-on resource dissects the components of exposure?ISO, aperture, shutter speed?and shows how they work together to capture the photographer?s vision.... |
 |  |  Auditing Cloud Computing: A Security and Privacy Guide
The auditor's guide to ensuring correct security and privacy practices in a cloud computing environment
Many organizations are reporting or projecting a significant cost savings through the use of cloud computing—utilizing shared computing resources to provide ubiquitous access for organizations and end users. Just... |  |  Ethnobiology
The single comprehensive treatment of the field, from the leading members of the Society of Ethnobiology
The field of ethnobiology—the study of relationships between particular ethnic groups and their native plants and animals—has grown very rapidly in recent years, spawning numerous subfields. Ethnobiological research... |
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