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Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (ISTE)
Logic for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (ISTE)

Logic and its components (propositional, first-order, non-classical) play a key role in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. While a large amount of information exists scattered throughout various media (books, journal articles, webpages, etc.), the diffuse nature of these sources is problematic and logic as a topic benefits from a...

Managing Time
Managing Time

Learning Made Simple books give you skills without frills. They are matched to the main qualifications and written by experienced teachers and authors to make often tricky subjects simple to learn. Every book is designed carefully to provide bite-sized lessons matched to readers' needs.

Using full

Sources, Sinks and Sustainability (Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology)
Sources, Sinks and Sustainability (Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology)

Source-sink theories provide a simple yet powerful framework for understanding how the patterns, processes and dynamics of ecological systems vary and interact over space and time. Integrating multiple research fields, including population biology and landscape ecology, this book presents the latest advances in source-sink theories, methods...

The Smashing Idea Book: From Inspiration to Application
The Smashing Idea Book: From Inspiration to Application

An unparalleled compendium of inspirational designs, photos, and web site looks

As the world's most popular resource for web designers and developers, Smashing Magazine has a reputation for inspiring and informing and this new book upholds that stellar esteem. Unlike most other books available on the shelf that...

Evolution: The Human Story
Evolution: The Human Story

How did we develop from simple animals inhabiting small pockets of forest in Africa to the dominant species on Earth? Traveling back almost eight million years to our earliest primate relatives, Evolution: The Human Story charts the development of our species from tree-dwelling primates to modern humans.

Investigating each...

Transients of Modern Power Electronics
Transients of Modern Power Electronics

In high power, high voltage electronics systems, a strategy to manage short timescale energy imbalances is fundamental to the system reliability. Without a theoretical framework, harmful local convergence of energy can affect the dynamic process of transformation, transmission, and storage which create an unreliable system. With an original...

Developing Websites with jQuery Mobile
Developing Websites with jQuery Mobile

This short ebook takes a deep dive into jQuery for mobile development. While jQuery is one of the most popular frameworks used to build out complex Web pages you can now use the jQuery Mobile framework and jQuery itself to add complexity and richness to your pages. Go beyond the core of jQuery Find out how to work with navbars,...

Working with jqTouch to Build Websites on Top of jQuery
Working with jqTouch to Build Websites on Top of jQuery

Using jqTouch, an open source solution, is a fast way for you to convert a static Web page into looking like a native iPhone or Android app. In this short ebook find out how you can use the Open Source jqTouch Library to extend the functionality built into jQuery to build Web sites that run on your iOS and Android phones but...

Magento 1.4 Theming Cookbook
Magento 1.4 Theming Cookbook

Welcome dear reader to this Magento theming book. In this book, we are going to discover how to modify or create Magento themes from scratch. As you are reading this book, I assume you already know how great a tool this open source solution is. Though we will go through some of the basics, like installing and some theoretical concepts,...

Design for Embedded Image Processing on FPGAs
Design for Embedded Image Processing on FPGAs

Dr Donald Bailey starts with introductory material considering the problem of embedded image processing, and how some of the issues may be solved using parallel hardware solutions. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are introduced as a technology that provides flexible, fine-grained hardware that can readily exploit parallelism within...

Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition is known for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises, and self-contained subject matter parts for maximum flexibility. The new edition continues with the tradition of providing instructors and students with a comprehensive and up-to-date...

Windows Phone 7 Programming for Android and iOS Developers
Windows Phone 7 Programming for Android and iOS Developers

Learn to develop for the new Windows Phone 7 platform

With a special focus placed on the new Windows Phone 7 (WP7) design guidelines and technologies, this reference helps you extend your knowledge so that you can learn to develop for the new WP7 platform. The team of authors presents topic-by-topic comparisons between WP7...

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