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Pattern Discovery Using Sequence Data Mining: Applications and Studies
Pattern Discovery Using Sequence Data Mining: Applications and Studies

Sequential data from Web server logs, online transaction logs, and performance measurements is collected each day. This sequential data is a valuable source of information, as it allows individuals to search for a particular value or event and also facilitates analysis of the frequency of certain events or sets of related events. Finding...

Computer-Enhanced and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Emerging Issues and Trends
Computer-Enhanced and Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Emerging Issues and Trends
Since the publication of the Handbook of Research on Computer-Enhanced Language Acquisition and Learning in 2008, information communication technology (ICT) has continued to create new learning paths to assist language learning. While CD-ROMs, multimedia computer labs, the World Wide Web, e-mail, and SMS still play an important...
Controlling Knowledge: Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection in a Networked World
Controlling Knowledge: Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection in a Networked World

Digital communications technology has immeasurably enhanced our capacity to store, retrieve, and exchange information. But who controls our access to information, and who decides what others have a right to know about us? In Controlling Knowledge, author Lorna Stefanick offers a thought-provoking and eminently user-friendly overview of...

Bayesian Time Series Models
Bayesian Time Series Models

'What's going to happen next?' Time series data hold the answers, and Bayesian methods represent the cutting edge in learning what they have to say. This ambitious book is the first unified treatment of the emerging knowledge-base in Bayesian time series techniques. Exploiting the unifying framework of probabilistic graphical...

Non-Muslims in the Early Islamic Empire: From Surrender to Coexistence (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
Non-Muslims in the Early Islamic Empire: From Surrender to Coexistence (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)

The Muslim conquest of the East in the seventh century entailed the subjugation of Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and others. Although much has been written about the status of non-Muslims in the Islamic empire, no previous works have examined how the rules applying to minorities were formulated. Milka Levy-Rubin's remarkable book traces...

Semantische Technologien: Grundlagen. Konzepte. Anwendungen. (German Edition)
Semantische Technologien: Grundlagen. Konzepte. Anwendungen. (German Edition)

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in Grundlagen, Potentiale und Anwendungen Semantischer Technologien. Es richtet sich an Studierende der Infor¬matik und angrenzender Fächer sowie an Entwickler, die Seman¬tische Technologien am Arbeitsplatz oder in verteilten Applikationen nutzen möchten. Mit seiner an...

Liferay in Action: The Official Guide to Liferay Portal Development
Liferay in Action: The Official Guide to Liferay Portal Development


Liferay in Action is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to building portals on the Liferay 6 platform. Fully supported and authorized by Liferay, this book guides you smoothly from your first exposure to Liferay through the crucial day-to-day tasks of building and maintaining an enterprise...

Portlets in Action: Covers Portlet 2.0, Spring 3.0, Portlet MVC, WSRP 2.0, Portlet Bridges, Ajax, Comet, Liferay, Gateln, Spring JDBC and Hibernate
Portlets in Action: Covers Portlet 2.0, Spring 3.0, Portlet MVC, WSRP 2.0, Portlet Bridges, Ajax, Comet, Liferay, Gateln, Spring JDBC and Hibernate


Portlets in Action is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to building portlet-driven applications in Java. Covers Portlet 2.0, Spring 3.0 Portlet MVC, WSRP 2.0, Portlet Bridges, Ajax, Comet, Liferay, GateIn, Spring JDBC, and Hibernate.

About the Technology

Portlets are...

Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP
Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP
What you have in your hands is a unique book. You may have seen several books on SAP Financial Accounting (FI) that are available in the market, but none of them are as comprehensive as this, covering the gamut of Financial Accounting in SAP Financials including—besides the regular topics —FI-CA (Contract Accounts...
Visual Language for Designers: Principles for Creating Graphics that People Understand
Visual Language for Designers: Principles for Creating Graphics that People Understand

Within every picture is a hidden language that conveys a message, whether it is intended or not. This language is based on the ways people perceive and process visual information. By understanding visual language as the interface between a graphic and a viewer, designers and illustrators can learn to inform with accuracy and...

Lonely Planet India (Country Travel Guide)
Lonely Planet India (Country Travel Guide)

“India’s diversity is apparent in its architecture, landscapes, festivals and handicrafts. And spirituality – the beating heart of India – pulsates from the mountains of Ladakh to the shores of tropical Kerala.” – Sarina Singh, Lonely Planet Writer

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HTML5 for Publishers
HTML5 for Publishers

HTML5 is revolutionizing the Web, and now it's coming to your ebook reader! With the release of the EPUB 3 specification, HTML5 support is officially a part of the EPUB standard, and publishers are able to take full advantage of HTML5's rich...

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