 Liferay in Action: The Official Guide to Liferay Portal Development
Liferay in Action is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to building portals on the Liferay 6 platform. Fully supported and authorized by Liferay, this book guides you smoothly from your first exposure to Liferay through the crucial day-to-day tasks of building and maintaining an enterprise... |  |  Portlets in Action: Covers Portlet 2.0, Spring 3.0, Portlet MVC, WSRP 2.0, Portlet Bridges, Ajax, Comet, Liferay, Gateln, Spring JDBC and Hibernate
Portlets in Action is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to building portlet-driven applications in Java. Covers Portlet 2.0, Spring 3.0 Portlet MVC, WSRP 2.0, Portlet Bridges, Ajax, Comet, Liferay, GateIn, Spring JDBC, and Hibernate.
About the Technology
Portlets are... |  |  Configuring Financial Accounting in SAP
What you have in your hands is a unique book. You may have seen several books
on SAP Financial Accounting (FI) that are available in the market, but none of them
are as comprehensive as this, covering the gamut of Financial Accounting in SAP
Financials including—besides the regular topics —FI-CA (Contract Accounts... |
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