 Encyclopedia Gothica: A Novel
Encyclopedia Gothica is a guide through that shadowiest of subcultures: modern Goths. It collects and defines more than 600 words and phrases used by these children of the night so that you too can engage in conversations about deathhawks and rivetheads and who is more u¨bergoth: Bela Lugosi or Robert Smith. Compiled by acclaimed Goth... |  |  Pop Song Piracy: Disobedient Music Distribution since 1929
The music industry’s ongoing battle against digital piracy is just the latest skirmish in a long conflict over who has the right to distribute music. Starting with music publishers’ efforts to stamp out bootleg compilations of lyric sheets in 1929, Barry Kernfeld’s Pop Song Piracy details nearly a ... |  |  RF Microelectronics (2nd Edition)
The Acclaimed RF Microelectronics Best-Seller, Expanded and Updated for the Newest Architectures, Circuits, and Devices
Wireless communication has become almost as ubiquitous as electricity, but RF design continues to challenge engineers and... |
 Privacy and Big Data
Much of what constitutes Big Data is information about us. Through our online activities, we leave an easy-to-follow trail of digital footprints that reveal who we are, what we buy, where we go, and much more. This eye-opening book explores the raging privacy debate over the use of personal data, with one undeniable conclusion: once... |  |  Pro Agile .NET Development with SCRUM (Expert's Voice in .NET)
Pro Agile .NET Development with SCRUM guides you through a real-world ASP.NET project and shows how agile methodology is put into practice.
There is plenty of literature on the theory behind agile methodologies, but no book on the market takes the concepts of agile practices and applies these in a practical... |  |  Integrating PHP Projects with Jenkins
Today's web applications require frequent updates, not just by adding or upgrading features, but by maintaining and improving the software’s existing code base as well. This concise book shows PHP developers how to use Jenkins, the popular continuous integration server, to monitor various aspects of software quality... |
 Soft Landing: Airline Industry Strategy, Service, and Safety
Soft Landing: Airline Industry Strategy, Service, and Safety covers the immediate past, present, and future of the airline industry and its effects on consumers and the economy.
Aviation receives a disproportionate amount of news coverage in the popular press—not to mention chatter at cocktail parties and... |  |  Designing Data Visualizations: Representing Informational Relationships
Data visualization is an efficient and effective medium for communicating large amounts of information, but the design process can often seem like an unexplainable creative endeavor. This concise book aims to demystify the design process by showing you how to use a linear decision-making process to encode your information... |  |  Head First jQuery (Brain-Friendly Guides)
Want to add more interactivity and polish to your websites? Discover how jQuery can help you build complex scripting functionality in just a few lines of code. With Head First jQuery, you'll quickly get up to speed on this amazing JavaScript library by learning how to navigate HTML documents while handling events, effects,... |
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