 Creating Android Applications: Develop and Design
If you’ve got a burning idea for an application that you’re dying to share, or if you
recognize the power and possibilities of the Android platform, you’ve come to the
right place. This is a short book on an immense topic.
I don’t mean to alarm anyone right off the bat here, but let me be... |  |  Moving To The Cloud: Developing Apps in the New World of Cloud Computing
Information is the most valuable resource in the 21st century. Whether for a
consumer looking for a restaurant in San Francisco, a small business woman checking
textile prices in Bangalore, or a financial services executive in London studying
stock market trends, information at the moment of decision is key in providing the... |  |  |
 Cryptography and Coding: 13th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2011, Oxford, UK, December 2011
The 13th IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding was held at the Lady
Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, UK, during December 12–15, 2011. This
event was a 25th anniversary celebration of the very successful biennial IMA
conference series. Traditionally, the conference has taken place at the Royal
Agricultural College,... |  |  Railo 3 Beginner's Guide
Railo Server is one of the quickest ways to start developing complex web applications. Widely considered as the fastest CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language) engine, Railo Server allows you to create dynamic web pages that can change depending on the user input, database lookups, or even the time of day.
Railo 3 Beginner's Guide... |  |  JBoss AS 7 Configuration, Deployment and Administration
As the Java EE standard has evolved and matured, the API has become increasingly rich and complex. The next generation of application servers needs to be modular and configurable to run only specific services or containers. JBoss AS 7 promises to meet those requirements but the configuration of a complex application server is composed of a mix... |
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