 Ektron Developer's Guide: Building an Ektron Powered Website
GIVEN THAT YOU’RE READING the introduction to a Wrox book about Ektron, you likely have
(or will soon have) some level of technical responsibility for a website powered by the Ektron
Framework. Maybe you’re tasked with the duty of maintaining an existing site and are looking for
information to help make that process more... |  |  iPad Application Development For Dummies
The world stood on its toes as Steve Jobs announced the iPad in January
2010 as “our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary
device at an unbelievable price.”
Do you believe in magic? The iPad has that magical quality of disappearing
into your hands as you explore content with it. You have to hold... |  |  Capturing Better Photos and Video with your iPhone
Building a camera into a phone makes total sense. Th ese days,
nearly everyone carries a cell phone with them at all times; and
nearly everyone owns a small digital camera to take snapshots
of things that are happening in their life. So putting the two
together was a no-brainer. Why carry two things when you can
carry one?
... |
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