 |  |  Training Your Brain For Dummies
Mastering the latest fitness craze-keeping your brain healthy at any age
Judging from the worldwide popularity of the brain game, Nintendo DS, and such mind-bending puzzles as SuDoku and KenKen®, keeping one's mind as limber as an Olympic athlete is an international obsession. With forecasters predicting over a million... |  |  Professional Windows 7 Development Guide (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Everything you need to immediately get the most from Windows 7
This essential and unique book delves into the various elements that Microsoft fixed from Vista and investigates the new features that Microsoft added in response to user requests. Veteran author John Paul Mueller shows you how to work with security policies as well as... |
 |  |  Droid X: The Missing Manual
What gives you high-speed Internet access, runs thousands of
apps, lets you take high-resolution photos and HD videos (and
play them on a T V as well), gives you immediate access to information
about all your friends, family, and contacts, handles any email
you can throw at it, is a wizard at Facebook and other social networking... |  |  Smashing jQuery (Smashing Magazine Book Series)
jQuery has become a part of my everyday routine in Web design and development, so when
Wiley approached me about writing a book on jQuery, I was thrilled. jQuery has opened up a
world of possibility for Web design. Th rough this book, I hope to show others how using
jQuery can really speed up your development time and allow you to write... |
 Creating Web Pages All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
If you’re interested in creating a Web site, chances are that you’ve at least
seen the terms HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Flash floating around.
Maybe your friends talk about their WordPress blogs or Facebook pages
and you don’t know whether you should do the same or dive into using a
more powerful tool, like... |  |  Joomla! For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Joomla (the exclamation point Joomla! won’t be used in the text of this
book, for the sake of making it more readable,) gives you total control of
your Web site — the layout, the navigation menus, the text, everything. In
turn, this book gives you total control of Joomla.
Today, users are demanding more from Web... |  |  |
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