 Using CiviCRM
Donald Lobo, Michal Mach, and I started CiviCRM almost six years ago. Back then, open source software had gained traction in the operating system arena, but the idea of an open source application designed from the ground up to meet the needs of non-profits and other civic sector organizations was pretty radical. We were convinced that there... |  |  FarmVille For Dummies
If you’re already on Facebook, you’ve probably received dozens of invitations
to play FarmVille from some of the game’s more than 50 million
active players, complete with cryptic messages about sharing carrots; adopting
lost, lonely animals; and hatching golden Mystery Eggs. Even if you aren’t
on Facebook,... |  |  iLife '11 For Dummies
Remember the Nowhere Man from the Beatles’ classic animated movie
Yellow Submarine? He was the nerdy little fellow always going round
in circles, writing books, making music, taking pictures, directing plays,
and making movies, always so very busy. But he was also very sad because
no one could see his work; the Blue Meanies had... |
 Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime Underground
Former hacker Kevin Poulsen has, over the past decade, built a reputation as one of the top investigative reporters on the cybercrime beat. In Kingpin, he pours his unmatched access and expertise into book form for the first time, delivering a gripping cat-and-mouse narrative—and an unprecedented view into the twenty-first... |  |  Data Structures and Algorithms in C++
An updated, innovative approach to data structures and algorithms
Written by an author team of experts in their fields, this authoritative guide demystifies even the most difficult mathematical concepts so that you can gain a clear understanding of data structures and algorithms in C++.
The unparalleled author team... |  |  Drawing For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)
Welcome to Drawing For Dummies, 2nd Edition, a book that focuses on
the basics of drawing for beginning artists but also includes plenly of
challenges for more experienced artists.
Most people begin to draw as soon as Ihcy can hold a crayon and then ÑÑлÑ
tinue drawing enthusiastically throughout childhood. Some... |
 New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012: Introductory
Synchronicity. It’s all about students and instructors tuning in to each other.
And technology makes it possible. In a world of networks, e-mail, webinars, and
social networking sites, technology can certainly strengthen the link between
instructors and students.
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012 is... |  |  Microsoft Excel 2010: Comprehensive (Shelly Cashman)
The Shelly Cashman Series® offers the fi nest textbooks in computer education. We are
proud that since Mircosoft Offi ce 4.3, our series of Microsoft Offi ce textbooks have been
the most widely used books in education. With each new edition of our Offi ce books, we
make signifi cant improvements based on the software and comments... |  |  |
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