 Software Engineering Reviews and Audits
I have worked in systems engineering, software development, software configuration management, software testing, and software quality assurance organizations for more than 30 years. My experience in these selected fields has been somewhat different from that of most people. I always wanted to experience the software disciplines required in... |  |  Management 3.0: Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders
I hate management books. I do. People give them to me all the time saying:
“You should read this one, it changed my life!” These books are all
about 150 pages. They have 14 point type, double-spaced. They have lots
of pictures. They have titles like: Open Locker Management, Management
by not Managing, First Clean All The... |  |  JavaFX A Beginners Guide
Welcome to JavaFX: A Beginner’s Guide. This book has been designed to give you
the best first step into the exciting new frontier of JavaFX development. JavaFX
is a rich environment tool, and learning JavaFX is a must for anyone who wants to create
immersive, interactive environments for users of any background.
This... |
 |  |  Using MIS (4th Edition)
An engaging introduction to how people use IS to solve business problems.
Using MIS explains why MIS is the most important course in the business school by showing readers how businesses use information systems and technology to accomplish their... |  |  Adobe Acrobat X Classroom in a Book
Adobe® Acrobat® X is an essential tool in today’s electronic workflow. As in
earlier versions, you can use Acrobat Standard or Acrobat Pro to convert
virtually any document to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), preserving
the exact look and content of the original, complete with fonts and graphics.
Additionally,... |
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