This second edition includes two new chapters: one on domination in graphs and the other on the spectral properties of graphs, the latter including a discussion on graph energy. The chapter on graph colorings has been enlarged, covering additional topics such as homomorphisms and colorings and the uniqueness of the...
Based on the new 'guided-tour' concept that eliminates the start-up transient encountered in learning new programming languages, this beginner's introduction to MATLAB teaches a sufficient subset of the functionality and gives the reader practical experience on how to find more information. Recent developments in MATLAB to advance...
Building distributed yet integrated systems remains a difficult problem to solve. First,
it requires a solid understanding of the individual components to be connected. Next,
we have to connect these components in a way that balances loose coupling against
system-wide requirements, such as latency and security. Last...
Async is a powerful feature added to the C# programming language in C# 5.0. It comes
at a time when performance and parallelization are becoming a major concern of software
developers. Used correctly, it can help to write programs with performance and
parallelization properties that would have needed reams of code...
Government agencies are increasingly being called upon to publish data as a means to
increase transparency, deliver government services more efficiently, and innovate busi
ness. Civic Apps Competitions (CACs) further these goals by providing incentives and
a platform for software programmers to build innovative...
Software development would seem to be a quintessential example of today's Internet-enabled "knowledge work"--a global profession not bound by the constraints of geography. In Coding Places, Yuri Takhteyev looks at the work of software developers who inhabit two contexts: a geographical area--in this case, greater Rio de...
The gap between who designers and developers imagine their users are, and who those users really are can be the biggest problem with product development. Observing the User Experience will help you bridge that gap to understand what your users want and need from your product, and whether they'll be able to use what you've...
The clamor for non-carbon dioxide emitting energy production has directly impacted on the development of nuclear energy. As new nuclear plants are built, plans and designs are continually being developed to manage the range of challenging requirement and problems that nuclear plants face especially when managing the greatly increased...
The intensive use of automatic data acquisition system and the use of cloud computing for process monitoring have led to an increased occurrence of industrial processes that utilize statistical process control and capability analysis. These analyses are performed almost exclusively with multivariate methodologies. The aim of this Brief is to...
This book explores the challenges and presents best strategies for designing Through-Silicon Vias (TSVs) for 3D integrated circuits. It describes a novel technique to mitigate TSV-induced noise, the GND Plug, which is superior to others adapted from 2-D planar technologies, such as a backside ground plane and traditional substrate contacts....
Blender Game Engine is the part of the Blender 3D editor used to create actual 3D video games. It's the ideal entry level game development environment because you don't even need to learn to program. Create a complete game using Bender's innovative logic bricks.