Big Data Analytics: Disruptive Technologies for Changing the Game
Bringing a practitioner’s view to big data analytics, this work examines the drivers behind big data, postulates a set of use cases, identifies sets of solution components, and recommends various implementation approaches. This work also addresses and thoroughly answers key questions on this... |  |  Software Projects Secrets: Why Projects Fail
Your boss has asked you to oversee the development of a new billing system,
and you’ve brought together a capable project manager and a group of handpicked
developers. They’ve chosen state-of-the-art technologies and tools to
build the system. The business analyst has talked at length with the accounting
manager,... |  |  iOS 6 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
iOS 6 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach is your code reference and guide to developing solutions on iPad, iPhone, and other iOS 6 SDK devices and platforms. This book provides in-depth code samples and discussions for scenarios that developers face every day. You'll find numerous examples of real-world cases... |