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HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development
HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development

Master Web Development with a robust set of templates to get your projects done quickly and effectively


  • Master HTML5 Boilerplate as starting templates for future projects
  • Learn how to optimize your workflow with HTML5 Boilerplate templates and set up servers optimized for...
Adaptable Embedded Systems
Adaptable Embedded Systems

As embedded systems become more complex, designers face a number of challenges at different levels: they need to boost performance, while keeping energy consumption as low as possible, they need to reuse existent software code, and at the same time they need to take advantage of the extra logic available in the chip, represented by multiple...

Programming Windows
Programming Windows

NOTE: This book is based on Windows 8 Release Preview; its content and publication date will be updated for final Windows 8 software.

Reimagined for full-screen and touch-optimized apps, Windows 8 provides a platform for reaching new users in new ways. In response, programming legend Charles Petzold is rewriting his...

Kinect Hacks: Tips & Tools for Motion and Pattern Detection
Kinect Hacks: Tips & Tools for Motion and Pattern Detection
The way we interact with machines is always changing. As technology evolves, new ways of interacting with computers become available to us, one innovative breakthrough after the next. If we go back 10 years, RIM was just starting to implement phone capabilities into their line of Blackberry mobile devices. Now we...
SciPy and NumPy: An Overview for Developers
SciPy and NumPy: An Overview for Developers
Python, a high-level language with easy-to-read syntax, is highly flexible, which makes it an ideal language to learn and use. For science andR&D, a few extra packages are used to streamline the development process and obtain goals with the fewest steps possible. Among the best of these are SciPy and NumPy. This book gives a brief...
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers
Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers

Python is a hacker's language. With its decreasejd complexity, increased efficiency, limitless third-party libraries, and low bar to entry, Python provides an excellent development platform to build your own offensive tools. If you are running Mac OS X or Linux, odds are it is already installed on your system. While a wealth of offensive...

Learn Windows PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunches
Learn Windows PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunches
We’ve been teaching and writing about Windows PowerShell for a long time. When Don began contemplating the first edition of this book, he realized that most Power- Shell writers and teachers—including himself—were forcing our students to approach the shell as a kind of programming language. Most...
The Internet of Products: An Approach to Establishing Total Transparency in Electronic Markets
The Internet of Products: An Approach to Establishing Total Transparency in Electronic Markets

'This study approaches the difficult problem of providing Internet users with a completely transparent view on electronic markets from a product information accessibility point of view. Robert Neumann analyzes economic, ecological, and societal gains of openly accessible product information in the form of theoretical models. Though many...

Windows 8 Inside Out
Windows 8 Inside Out
Windows 8 is the most important change to the Windows operating system since Windows 95. While almost everything you’ve come to love about earlier versions of Windows is still available, Windows 8 provides an infrastructure on which the next generation of PCs and apps will be built. These new PCs and...
HTML5 Graphing & Data Visualization Cookbook
HTML5 Graphing & Data Visualization Cookbook
Today, the Web and the world are increasingly being defined by data. With the data revolution of the Internet in the early nineties and until today, more and more data has been exposed and aggregated, from government agencies, public sector information, financial information, digital media and news, and social media to private...
VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials
VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials

VMware ThinApp 4.7 is an application virtualization and portable application creator which allows users to package conventional applications so that they are portable.

"VMware ThinApp 4.7 Essentials" shows you how to deploy ThinApp packages in order to improve the portability, manageability and compatibility of...

Desire2Learn for Higher Education Cookbook
Desire2Learn for Higher Education Cookbook

Creating an engaging online or web-enhanced class in the Desire2Learn Learning Environment doesn't have to be difficult. The easy-to-follow recipes in this cookbook guide you through everything from getting your course ready for students to calculating final grades.

"Desire2Learn for Higher Education Cookbook" offers...

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