Comprehensively covers the key technologies for the development of tactile perception in minimally invasive surgery
Covering the timely topic of tactile sensing and display in minimally invasive and robotic surgery, this book comprehensively explores new techniques which could dramatically reduce the need for invasive...
Hängen Preisanstiege bei Nahrungsmitteln wirklich monokausal mit der monetären Spekulation auf die sog. "Commodities" zusammen? Wo haben große NPO wie UNICEF ihre Stärken, wo ihre Schwächen? Wie kann Fundraising effektiv betrieben werden? Was sollte unternommen werden, um Armut und Hunger in der Welt...
Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine is the only book that uses a practical, question-and-answer approach to address evidence-based decision making in palliative medicine. Dr. Nathan E. Goldstein and Dr. R. Sean Morrison equip you to evaluate the available evidence alongside of current practice...
Herrschaft - Staat - Mitbestimmung? ist eine theoretische und empirische Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, was den modernen demokratischen Staat im Allgemeinen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ihrer aktuellen Verfassung im Besonderen auszeichnet. Die These ist, dass sich moderne demokratische Staaten in einem Spannungsverhältnis von...
Today’s society is completely dependent on critical networks such as water supply, sewage, electricity, ICT and transportation. Risk and vulnerability analyses are needed to grasp the impact of threats and hazards. However, these become quite complex as there are strong interdependencies both within and between infrastructure...
Provides an accessible foundation to Bayesian analysis using real world models
This book aims to present an introduction to Bayesian modelling and computation, by considering real case studies drawn from diverse fields spanning ecology, health, genetics and finance. Each chapter comprises a description of the problem, the...
Discover How Electronic Health Records Are Built to Drive the Next Generation of Healthcare Delivery
The increased role of IT in the healthcare sector has led to the coining of a new phrase "health informatics," which deals with the use of IT for better healthcare services. Health informatics applications often...
Essential Guide to Reading Biomedical Papers: Recognising and Interpreting Best Practice is an indispensable companion to the biomedical literature. This concise, easy-to-follow text gives an insight into core techniques and practices in biomedical research and how, when and why a technique should be used and presented in the...
This volume contains both methodological papers showing new original methods, and papers on applications illustrating how new domain-specific knowledge can be made available from data by clever use of data analysis methods. The volume is subdivided in three parts: Classification and Data Analysis; Data Mining; and Applications. The selection...
Great new edition covers what you need to know for successful Facebook marketing
Facebook keeps evolving, and so does the social mediasphere. Even if you have a Facebook marketing strategy, have you taken into consideration Pinterest? Spotify? Foursquare? Facebook Marketing All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition does....
Philosophers of science have long used reconstructive reasoning to develop historical explanations covering the origins of natural phenomenon. The application of the scientific method is a powerful tool for solving crimes through reconstruction of the events. Scientific Foundations of Crime Scene Reconstruction: Introducing Method to...
Operating System Concepts, now in its ninth edition, continues to provide a solid theoretical foundation for understanding operating systems. The ninth edition has been thoroughly updated to include contemporary examples of how operating systems function. The text includes content to bridge the...