 Embedded SoPC Design with Nios II Processor and Verilog Examples
Explores the unique hardware programmability of FPGA-basedembedded systems, using a learn-by-doing approach to introduce theconcepts and techniques for embedded SoPC design with Verilog
An SoPC (system on a programmable chip) integrates a processor,memory modules, I/O peripherals, and custom hardware acceleratorsinto a single FPGA... |  |  RabbitMQ in Action: Distributed Messaging for Everyone
Writing this book has been like discovering RabbitMQ itself—encountering a problem
that needed solving, but not knowing what the solution looked like. Until May
2010, we didn’t even know each other. We both had been active in the RabbitMQ community
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Developers, build mobile Android apps using Android 4
The fast-growing popularity of Android smartphones and tablets creates a huge opportunities for developers. If you're an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application... |
 Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 12.0 Cookbook for Experts
Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 12.0 is an accounting software that is both user-friendly and sophisticated. The interface is not only visual and intuitive, but also feature-rich for
mid-size businesses, as well as complex, growing small businesses.
Intuit QuickBooks Enterprise Edition 12.0 for Experts is a cookbook... |  |  Professional jQuery (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS JAVASCRIPT has undergone a remarkable transformation. Where
once it was a “toy” language relegated to secondary status it’s now one of the most important
programming languages in the world. With the ongoing importance of Ajax-based development and
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When first learning the iOS developm ent environment, it is natural to be overwhelmed with
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environments and languages is helpful, and iOS developing resources are available from Apple and
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