 Physical Security Strategy and Process Playbook
The Physical Security Strategy and Process Playbook is a concise yet comprehensive treatment of physical security management in the business context. It can be used as an educational tool, help a security manager define security requirements, and serve as a reference for future planning.
This book is organized into six... |  |  Pro NuGet
Pro NuGet will give you a solid, practical, understanding of both how to keep your software dependencies under control and what best-practices have been developed within the NuGet community to ensure long-term reliability. Whether you’re working entirely with .NET assemblies or also using CSS, HTML and JavaScript files within... |  |  Cartilage Restoration: Practical Clinical Applications
Every book has someone who keeps the editors/authors on track, picks up
loose ends, proofs, edits, and helps it become a reality. For this book, it was
Andi Clifford. Thank you.
Many of our techniques were developed over time through patient outcomes:
many published and more unpublished. For the tireless monitoring... |
 A Variational Approach to Fracture and Other Inelastic Phenomena
This book exposes a number of mathematical models for fracture of growing difficulty. All models are treated in a unified way, based on incremental energy minimization. They differ from each other by the assumptions made on the inelastic part of the total energy, here called the "cohesive energy". Each model describes a specific... |  |  The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 2, Medieval Science
This volume in the highly respected Cambridge History of Science series is devoted to the history of science in the Middle Ages from the North Atlantic to the Indus Valley. Medieval science was once universally dismissed as non-existent - and sometimes it still is. This volume reveals the diversity of goals, contexts, and accomplishments in... |  |  Windows 8.1 For Dummies
The bestselling book on Windows, now updated for the new 8.1 features
Microsoft has fine-tuned Windows 8 with some important new features, and veteran author Andy Rathbone explains every one in this all-new edition of a long-time bestseller. Whether you're using Windows for the first time, upgrading from an older... |
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