 The ECG in Prehospital Emergency Care
Now that state of the art equipment can be carried in ambulances, prehospital emergency staff are able to perform an ECG soon after arrival on scene, enabling the EMS provider to gather important diagnostic information that can not only guide prehospital therapy but also direct hospital-based treatment.
... |  |  Site Engineering Workbook
A study guide to help you master the principles and practices of site engineering
Whether used in conjunction with the Sixth Edition of Site Engineering for Landscape Architects or on its own, this Workbook is an invaluable learning resource for students and instructors, as well as for professionals... |  |  MATLAB® by Example: Programming Basics (Elsevier Insights)
MATLAB By Example guides the reader through each step of writing MATLAB programs. The book assumes no previous programming experience on the part of the reader, and uses multiple examples in clear language to introduce concepts and practical tools. Straightforward and detailed instructions allow beginners to learn and develop their... |
 Arduino Adventures: Escape from Gemini Station
Fun. We (your authors) wanted a word to describe our ultimate goal for this book, as well as a word
we hope you (our reader) will use to describe it, and that’s the one we chose. There are others goals,
of course, but in the end, when you’ve finished the book, we’re hoping you’ll have enjoyed the
activities... |  |  New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014: Comprehensive
Go beyond computing basics with the award-winning NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMPUTER CONCEPTS. Designed to get you up-to-speed on essential computer literacy skills, this market leading text goes deeper, providing technical and practical information relevant to everyday life. NEW PERSPECTIVES ON COMPUTER CONCEPTS 2014 incorporates significant... |  |  Testable JavaScript
You have to test your code, so why not make the process as easy and painless as possible?
Client-side JavaScript is especially difficult to test properly, as we have very little control
over the environment within which our code runs. Multiple operating systems, multiple
versions of operating systems, multiple ... |
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