 Principles of Cloning, Second Edition
Principles of Cloning, Second Edition is the fully revised edition of the authoritative book on the science of cloning. The book presents the basic biological mechanisms of how cloning works and progresses to discuss current and potential applications in basic biology, agriculture, biotechnology, and medicine. Beginning with the... |  |  Catalytic Cascade Reactions
Demonstrates the advantages of catalytic cascade reactionsfor synthesizing natural products and pharmaceuticals
Riding the wave of green chemistry, catalytic cascade reactionshave become one of the most active research areas in organicsynthesis. During a cascade reaction, just one reaction solvent,one workup procedure, and... |  |  Combinatorial Search: From Algorithms to Systems
Although they are believed to be unsolvable in general, tractability results suggest that some practical NP-hard problems can be efficiently solved. Combinatorial search algorithms are designed to efficiently explore the usually large solution space of these instances by reducing the search space to feasible regions and using heuristics to... |
 Optimization and Security Challenges in Smart Power Grids (Energy Systems)
This book provides an overview of state-of-the-art research on “Systems and Optimization Aspects of Smart Grid Challenges.” The authors have compiled and integrated different aspects of applied systems optimization research to smart grids, and also describe some of its critical challenges and requirements.
The promise... |  |  Computational Models of Complex Systems (Intelligent Systems Reference Library)
Computational and mathematical models provide us with the opportunities to investigate the complexities of real world problems. They allow us to apply our best analytical methods to define problems in a clearly mathematical manner and exhaustively test our solutions before committing expensive resources. This is made possible by assuming... |  |  Culture and Group Processes (Frontiers of Culture and Psychology)
Human beings are adapted for group living. Groups have a wide range of adaptive functions for individuals, including both material benefits of mutual aid and collective action, and subjective psychological benefits of affiliation and social identity. Recent development of cultural psychology, however, has uncovered that culture plays crucial... |
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