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Office 2013 For Dummies
Office 2013 For Dummies

Office 2013 For Dummies is the key to your brand newOffice!

Packed with straightforward, friendly instruction, this updateto one of the bestselling Office books of all time gets youthoroughly up to speed and helps you learn how to take fulladvantage of the new features in Office 2013. After coverage of...

Excel 2013 All-in-One For Dummies
Excel 2013 All-in-One For Dummies

The comprehensive reference, now completely up-to-date forExcel 2013!

As the standard for spreadsheet applications, Excel is usedworldwide - but it's not always user-friendly. However, in thehands of veteran bestselling author Greg Harvey, Excel gets a wholelot easier to understand! This handy all-in-one guide covers...

American Criminal Courts: Legal Process and Social Context
American Criminal Courts: Legal Process and Social Context

American Criminal Courts: Legal Process and Social Context provides a complete picture of both the theory and day-to-day reality of criminal courts in the United States. The book begins by exploring how democratic processes affect criminal law, the documents that define law, the organizational structure of courts at the federal...

FairEconomy: Crises, Culture, Competition and the Role of Law (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law)
FairEconomy: Crises, Culture, Competition and the Role of Law (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property and Competition Law)

​FairEconomy is a concept for a free and fair market economy. In response to the financial and economic crises of the past years, the authors develop fundamental ideas of how a market economy works, what rules markets need and who safeguards fairness and equal opportunity in such an economy. The book sets out the...

Introduction to Linear Elasticity
Introduction to Linear Elasticity

Introduction to Linear Elasticity, 3rd Edition provides an applications-oriented grounding in the tensor-based theory of elasticity for students in mechanical, civil, aeronautical, biomedical engineering, as well as materials and earth science. The book is distinct from the traditional text aimed at graduate students in solid mechanics...

Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Features (9th Edition) (Core Series)
Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Features (9th Edition) (Core Series)

Fully updated to reflect Java SE 7 language changes, Core Java®, Volume II—Advanced Features, Ninth Edition, is the definitive guide to Java’s most powerful features for enterprise and desktop application development.


Small Universal Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces: A Collection of Jewels
Small Universal Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces: A Collection of Jewels

Hyperbolic geometry is an essential part of theoretical astrophysics and cosmology. Besides specialists of these domains, many specialists of new domains start to show a growing interest
both to hyperbolic geometry and to cellular automata. This is especially the case in biology and computer science.

This book gives the...

The Practice of Macro Social Work
The Practice of Macro Social Work

Intended for those who want to make a difference in today's modern society, this comprehensive book explores the theory and methods in nine arenas of macro social work at the community, organizational, societal, and global levels of practice. THE PRACTICE OF MACRO SOCIAL WORK, Fourth Edition, challenges readers to use their concern,...

The Customer Rules
The Customer Rules
At a recent family gathering in my home, the grown-ups were trading stories about companies that provide good customer service and those that don't. Out of curiosity, I asked my then twelve-year-old granddaughter, Margot, what she thought were the most important rules for great service. Without a moment's hesitation, she...
Enzyme Engineering: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
Enzyme Engineering: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)

Whether the pursuit is commercially motivated or purely academic, engineering a novel biological catalyst is an enticing challenge. High-resolution protein structure analysis allows for rational alteration of enzyme function, yet many useful enzyme variants are the product of well-designed selection schemes or screening strategies. Enzyme...

Learning PHP Design Patterns
Learning PHP Design Patterns

Build server-side applications more efficiently—and improve your PHP programming skills in the process—by learning how to use design patterns in your code. This book shows you how to apply several object-oriented patterns through simple examples, and demonstrates many of them in full-fledged working applications.

Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook
Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook

Computer expert or enthusiast, this cookbook will help you use your Raspberry Pi to enhance your existing network. From sharing media across devices to deploying your own web portal, you'll be amazed at what can be achieved.


  • Learn how to install, administer, and maintain your...
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