 Principles of Data Mining (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Data Mining, the automatic extraction of implicit and potentially useful information from data, is increasingly used in commercial, scientific and other application areas.
Principles of Data Mining explains and explores the principal techniques of Data Mining: for classification, association rule mining and clustering. Each... |  |  |  |  Gene Regulation: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
In recognition of monumental impact of gene expression in producing normal and abnor-
mal cellular states, we are pleased to offer the scientific community a volume on Gene
Regulation, Methods and Protocols. The goal is to provide scientists in academia, food, and
pharmaceutical industry, as well as public institutions, complementary... |
 Windows 8: The Missing Manual
With Windows 8, Microsoft completely reimagined the graphical user interface for its operating system, and designed it to run on tablets as well as PCs. It’s a big change that calls for a trustworthy guide—Windows 8: The Missing Manual. New York Times columnist David Pogue provides technical insight, lots of... |  |  Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments
Climate change is believed to be a great challenge to built environment professionals in design and management. An integrated approach in delivering a sustainable built environment is desired by the built environment professional institutions. The aim of this book is to provide an advanced understanding of the key subjects required... |  |  Communication Skills For Dummies (Language & Literature)
The key to perfecting your communication strategy
Great communication skills can make all the difference in your personal and professional life, and expert author Elizabeth Kuhnke shares with you her top tips for successful communication in any situation.
Packed with advice on active listening, building rapport... |
 Solidworks 2013 Bible
A comprehensive resource packed with information for both beginners and advanced users
SolidWorks is the leading 3D solid modeling software used in computer-aided design. It's powerful but not simple. This complete guide introduces beginners to the software but then goes far beyond, covering numerous details that... |  |  iPod and iTunes For Dummies
Get going with your iPod & iTunes and this perennial bestseller - now in full-color!
iPod & iTunes For Dummies is the ultimate beginner's guide for getting started with your iPod and Apple's iTunes service. Now in its tenth edition, this helpful guide has been completely overhauled and boasts a... |  |  Professional SharePoint 2013 Development
Thorough coverage of development in SharePoint 2013
A team of well-known Microsoft MVPs joins forces in this fully updated resource, providing you with in-depth coverage of development tools in the latest iteration of the immensely popular SharePoint. From building solutions to building custom workflow and content management... |
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