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Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux
Basic Security Testing with Kali Linux

With computer hacking attacks making headline news on a frequent occasion, it is time for companies and individuals to take a more active stance in securing their computer systems. Kali Linux is an Ethical Hacking platform that allows good guys to use the same tools and techniques that a hacker would use so they can find issues with their...

CISSP Training Kit
CISSP Training Kit

Your 2-in-1 Self-Paced Training Kit


Ace your preparation for Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Exam. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then, reinforce what you’ve learned by applying

Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad
Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad

Let's say you have a killer app idea for iPhone and iPad. Where do you begin? Head First iPhone and iPad Development will help you get your first application up and running in no time. You'll not only learn how to design for Apple's devices, you'll also master the iPhone SDK tools—including...

Learning jQuery Deferreds: Taming Callback Hell with Deferreds and Promises
Learning jQuery Deferreds: Taming Callback Hell with Deferreds and Promises

Orchestrating asynchronous function calls in JavaScript often leads to callback hell, but there is a reliable way to avoid this painful state of affairs. With this concise and simple guide, you’ll learn how to use jQuery deferreds and promises, an elegant approach for managing asynchronous calls in both client and server...

Using Microsoft Excel and Access 2013 for Accounting (with Student Data CD-ROM)
Using Microsoft Excel and Access 2013 for Accounting (with Student Data CD-ROM)

USING EXCEL & ACCESS FOR ACCOUNTING 2013 teaches students how businesses use spreadsheets and databases in accounting and explains how to use these tools in solving real accounting problems. It is written in a step-by-step format, with plenty of screenshots making it easy to follow.

Intro to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version (10th Edition)
Professional Embedded ARM Development
Professional Embedded ARM Development

A practical Wrox guide to ARM programming for mobile devices

With more than 90 percent of mobile phones sold in recent years using ARM-based processors, developers are eager to master this embedded technology. If you know the basics of C programming, this guide will ease you into the world of embedded ARM technology. With...

Cell Aging: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications for Disease (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Medicine)
Cell Aging: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications for Disease (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Medicine)

Aging represents a physiological and per se non-pathological and multifactorial process involving a set of key genes and mechanisms being triggered by different endogenous and exogenous factors. Since aging is a major risk factor in connection with a variety of human disorders, it is increasingly becoming a central topic in biochemical...

Tribology for Scientists and Engineers: From Basics to Advanced Concepts
Tribology for Scientists and Engineers: From Basics to Advanced Concepts
Tribology is an interdisciplinary field enjoying increased attention in research fields from engineering to life sciences. Despite growing attention towards this field and its demonstrated applications and usefulness, there are not many devoted degree programs focusing on it. In several university education programs specialized...
REST: Advanced Research Topics and Practical Applications
REST: Advanced Research Topics and Practical Applications

This book serves as a starting point for people looking for a deeper principled understanding of REST, its applications, its limitations, and current research work in the area and as an architectural style. The authors focus on applying REST beyond Web applications (i.e., in enterprise environments), and in reusing established and...

Adventures In Raspberry Pi
Adventures In Raspberry Pi

Coding for kids is cool with Raspberry Pi and this elementary guide

Even if your kids don't have an ounce of computer geek in them, they can learn to code with Raspberry Pi and this wonderful book. Written for 11- to 15-year-olds and assuming no prior computing knowledge, this book uses the wildly successful, low-cost,...

My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind
My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind

A riveting, revelatory, and moving account of the author’s struggles with anxiety, and of the history of efforts by scientists, philosophers, and writers to understand the condition
As recently as thirty-five years ago, anxiety did not exist as a diagnostic category. Today, it is the most common form of

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