Dyke Swarms of the World: A Modern Perspective (Springer Geology)
Continuing the tradition of International Dyke Conference, this book is largely based on contributions from the IDC7 but also includes some chapters by invitation. It focuses on mafic dyke swarms and related associations: e.g. links with sills, kimberlites, syenites, carbonatites, and volcanics, discussing the following themes: (i)... |  |  Developing 2D Games with Unity: Independent Game Programming with C#
Follow a walkthrough of the Unity Engine and learn important 2D-centric lessons in scripting, working with image assets, animations, cameras, collision detection, and state management. In addition to the fundamentals, you'll learn best practices, helpful game-architectural patterns, and how to customize Unity to suit your needs,... |  |  Spring Boot 2 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Solve all your Spring Boot 2 problems using complete and real-world code examples. When you start a new project, you’ll be able to copy the code and configuration files from this book, and then modify them for your needs. This can save you a great deal of work over creating a project from scratch.